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The use of essential oils in babies

Baby essential oils are used as the best way to care for baby’s skin. They have proven to be extremely effective against diaper rash, in the fight against cramps and gas, in atopic dermatitis. It is best to use 100% natural essential oil without any additives obtained from plants that have been grown organically and obtained by steam distillation.

Essential oils when applied to the skin in both children and adults must be diluted in a certain ratio with the so-called. carrier oils such as almond, jojoba, coconut or olive oil, apricot kernel oil, plum … In babies, the concentrations of essential oils in the carrier oil are lower than in adults and range from 0.2% to 0.5%. The recommendation of the pediatric aromatherapist is to start using essential oils only after 3 months of age, especially inhalations that can be used locally even earlier.

The safest oils for babies are Roman and Germanic chamomile oil and lavender oil.

Recipe against colic and gas
Add 30ml of almond oil to the dark bottle
Add 1-3 drops of Roman chamomile oil to the bottle
Close the bottle and shake slowly
The preparation prepared in this way can be used for massaging the baby’s stomach against colic and gas. Also, adding a few drops to the bathtub is ideal for a baby’s peaceful sleep


Recipe against diaper rash
Add 30ml of almond oil to the dark bottle
Add 1 EU Roman chamomile 1 drop of EU lavender to the bottle
Close the bottle and shake slowly
The preparation prepared in this way is applied to the area covered by diapers. Also, adding a few drops to the bathtub is ideal for a baby’s peaceful sleep.

Start with less concentration. Oils must not come into contact with the eyes and the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth, care must be taken. As a precaution, before using the oil on the forearm of the baby before the first use, if there is no redness for 15 minutes, you are free to use it.

Another way to apply essential oil to babies is in diffusers in the room where they sleep, for this purpose, lavender and Roman chamomile essential oil, jasmine and 2 drops of oil in the diffuser are used.

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